Tuesday, June 18, 2013

                                    OBAMA AND PUTIN

            It is a fact, that President Obama is intimated by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin know this and he takes advantage of this when he speaks to him in private and when he appears before the president in public. Putin career in the KGB and his career in the political arena give him an advantage over a weak sitting president. Putin’s greatest strength is his love for his country and to regain the prestige it once had during the cold war. Obama is the opposite, he doesn’t have a love for his country like Putin has, but desires to weaken his country. Putin senses his disdain for his country and he takes advantage of it. Moreover, Putin finds it repulsive not to love a country of one’s birth and origin. That is why behind the scenes Putin has very little respect for Obama and considers Obama a push over lacking cojones.
            What will the outcome be regarding the G8 Summit? For sure, if enough pressure is put on Putin, he will come out as a hero at home. Russian citizens will see Putin as standing up to an imperialistic West. The main country that is missing in the summit is of course Israel. Since Israel is the most dominant and the most advanced country in the Middle East her presences is missing. Why is that? Shouldn’t Israel be involved in the summit since she has so much to gain?  Shouldn’t Israel have a say in what is happening since Syria borders Israel? Again it shows the utter disdain that the G8 Summit has for the state of Israel. No leader within the G 8 Summit has demanded Israel to be involved in the negations; instead Israel is informed behind the scenes away from the public.

© Abraham J. Santiago

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


What will become of American Jewry now that president Obama has been re-elected? And more specifically, what will happen to the US? Here is a forecast of what might happen. First there will be within the coming months and into the New Year an exodus of highly skilled and educated Jews leaving the United States. Their departure will be so catastrophic that one can only describe it as a tsunami. The departure of American Jews will be the catalyst for Jews leaving France, Great Britain, and Argentina. These countries are already experiencing a high degree of anti-Jewish sentiment. 

The exodus of Jews leaving these countries will result in a brain drain and economic ruin. It will begin as a slow methodical process and will culminate with a massive exodus by the end of 2013. The arrival of Olim (immigrants) will be the cause of building new homes in Jerusalem and the disputed areas of Judea and Samaria which the government of Israel will annex. The mass exodus of Jews coming from the US and other countries will warrant the building of new settlements. The building of new homes for immigrants will no doubt cause continued resentment and conflict by the Obama administration, Palestinians and the international community.[1]

Lastly, the rift or “daylight” between Obama and Netanyahu will cause the Prime Minister to act alone and strike Iranian nuclear facilities if Obama does not openly declare a “red line” to the Iranians. Netanyahu actions will be based on good solid intelligence. The end result of this action will cause a further deterioration between Obama and Netanyahu.  The Obama administration, will respond by claiming that the attack on Iran was not in the best interest of the US and the international community. Obama will further add that it jeopardized the security of the United States and the Gulf area. Israel will be labeled a threat to peace in the region and the world by the United Nations.

 If the US betrays Israel by exposing classified intelligence to the media like it did in the case of Azerbaijan bases for the sole purpose of undermining Israel’s attempt to strike Iran; this could forever brake off our friendship with the Obama administration.[2] A similar event happened in 1967 when the USS Liberty the most sophisticated intelligence ship in the world was sending Israeli intelligence information and communication to Israel’s enemies.
With the re-election of Obama, planet earth is on the verge of a geo-political upheaval, and Israel will be in the center of it. The election of Obama will plunge the US into a nation we will no longer recognize. What will become of the US in the next 4 years? Looking ahead there could be Marshal Law, rationing of gas and certain food items. There could be the use of soldiers to work in disaster relief communities along side with FEMA thus creating a psychological dependence on the government and the military.[3]

The United States Jerusalem Embassy Act passed by congress in 1995 will stay dormant and the US will not move her embassy to Jerusalem or recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Evangelical Christians who support Israel will be singled out as a possible threat to national security and anti-Semitism will grow as Americans become weary of terrorist attacks on Americans citizens spurred by Islamic jihadist.  These scenarios are possible and as Jews and evangelical Christians we must stay alert and do all that we can to support Israel in her struggle to survive. The axiom, prophecy is HISTORY RECORDED IN ADVANCE is true.

The words of the Hebrew prophet are true; and you shall declare to them: Thus said the LORD GOD: I am going to take the Israelite people from among the nations they have gone to and gather them to their own land. [4]

 Abraham Santiago

[1] http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/remarks-president-cairo-university-6-04-09
[2] http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Foreign-Policy/2012/0329/Attacking-Iran-Did-US-just-torpedo-Israeli-deal-for-a-base-in-Azerbaijan
[3] Jewishhttp://theintelhub.com/2012/08/27/russian-expert-predicts-obama-will-declare-martial-law-in-america-by-end-of-2012/
[4] Ezekiel  37:21 Jewish Publication Society , Philadelphia, Pa © 1999-5759

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Obama’s refusal to recognize and consider Iran as a credible threat to the US and the world is shocking. The Obama administration has done nothing to prevent Iranian Islamic Jihadist from infiltrating and establishing bases of operation in Latin America. Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inroads into Latin America especially México, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Ecuador prove the point that Iran will do everything it can to establish a beachhead in our region. The facts are clear, regarding Iran and her intentions and bill H.R. 3783 the Western Hemisphere Act of 2012 requires the State Department to compile a detailed report to congress about Iran’s activities in Latin America.  Obama’s refusal to draw a line in the sand, clearly demonstrates his lack of courage in a time when courageous men are hard to find.

This is why Prime Minister Netanyahu continues to warn and exhort president Obama of the threat Iran is not only to the stability of the Middle East but to the world. There is a parallel between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Don Isaac Abravanel the leading statesman of the Middle Ages who pleaded before King Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain to do the right thing, Abravanel words fell on deaf ears. Disaster is stalking the US and it is up to us as citizens to sway the public into a new paradigm shift of responsibility.
Netanyahu says it best, “Those who refuse to draw red line to Iran don’t have the moral right to put a red line to Israel.” [1]

Abraham Santiago ©

[1] http://frontpagemag.com/2012/dgreenfield/netanyahu-to-obama-no-red-lines-for-iran-means-no-red-lines-for-israel/